The calm before the storm....She had yet to wake up and realize she is alone with us.
The calm after the storm :). She finally falls asleep in her daddy's arms.
One year ago today….Emeline was placed in our arms, and we never had to give her back!!!! She was ours. She had already been ours in our hearts, but we were finally together. We met with her precious foster family who loved her dearly in the Marriot hotel in Guatemala City on February 11, 2008. We had just arrived in Guatemala a few hours before. We were finally going to get our girl.
When we saw Emeline’s foster family, we all exchanged gifts. The most important gift they gave sweet Emeline stays with her still. It was so apparent that she was loved by her entire foster family. She will probably have no memories of her first year in Guatemala apart from pictures and the stories we tell her. However, she remembers still in her heart. She is a secure and incredibly loving child. She has no problem trusting others love for her…she expects that others will be there for her. We have helped develop this in her, but we cannot take all or most the credit. She came to us that way, loved and treasured. For that we are forever grateful.
On a funny note…there is one thing deep in her soul she has never forgotten from Guatemala. Somebody or somebodies must have ridden sweet girl on their leg (giving a horse ride) ALL the time in Guatemala. She still to this day wants us to give her a horse rides. Unfortunately, our legs are not so strong!!
When her foster family left after many tears, Emeline was sleeping in my arms. When she woke up she was not a happy camper. It was sad to see her so very upset, but even in those moments I was just so happy to have her in my arms. It did not take long for her to begin to accept us. Again, I believe this is because she was so loved by her foster family. I also think she really enjoyed the undivided attention we were so very happy to give her.
We have come so far as a family in one year. I cannot imagine my life without my daughter. What did we do anyway before Emeline was here with us ??? I am so very grateful to God for every day we have together. I still appreciate the little things like her yelling “Maaaaaaaaaa-maaaaaaaaaaaah” so many times a day—music to my ears. I love watching her dance and take care of her babies. She is such a good little mommy. I love seeing the pure excitement and joy she has when she hears her daddy come in the door.
I have recently been sentenced to the couch again, so that Emeline’s brother stays put for several more weeks, which is not exactly what I had in mind to celebrate this day. However, daddy is up to any challenge and is out playing with his beautiful daughter on this very special day. We could not be more blessed as we celebrate our one year Forever Family Day.